Hey there!

I'm Jimmie Harris

I create opportunities for people by equipping them with the tools, resources, and connections necessary to succeed in a changing world. Currently, I create pathways for high school students in Hawai'i to explore meaningful career opportunities, get professional mentorship, and impact their communities.

My Resume

I'm on a mission...

To create opportunities for people by equipping them with the tools, resources, and connections necessary to succeed in a changing world. A little generic, right? Currently, that's through creating pathways for high school students in Hawai'i to explore meaningful career opportunities, get professional mentorship, and make an impact in their communities.

I've worn a few different hats in the past, though.

Product Manager
Mail Boy
Camp Counselor
Product Designer
Mechanical Engineer
User Researcher

... and I've been to some fantastic places

I've had the privilege of being able to do a lot of incredible things in my life. Here's a quick map of a few.

And a bit more personal

Here are other things that I've worked on that are interesting. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.


I design and cast aluminum cookware, which I give to my friends when they get married. It was inspired by a short story found below.

Throwing water into the pan, I tilt my head and listen to the response. The familiar popping greets me. It’s ready. Looking over the counter, I survey the damage. Eggshells teeter near the edge. Spices litter the landscape. The chicken is splayed over the cutting board, and everything is covered in a fine dusting of flour. I stand ready, bracing myself for the next step.

“I think I’m ready, Grandma. I just throw it in?” I yell toward my phone, propped against the wall.

“You didn’t forget the French onion mix, right? And you double-dipped the chicken?” She lists off back to me.

As I nod back, I realize how warm I am. I wonder if it’s from the heat of the oil or my grandma's watchful stare. It’s time. I gently drop the chicken into the skillet. It falls through the surface with a soft plop. I slowly relax, unconsciously releasing my curled fist.
What’s done is done. Now we can only wait and see.

“How has school been going?” Drifts from my phone, the words breaking the trance.

My grandma’s love hides beneath her words. What have you been doing? Have you been meeting new friends? Have you been eating enough? Will you be home for Christmas?

I tell her.

It’s finally time. I remove the prize, wrapping it slowly in paper towels while waiting for it to cool. My nerves return, reminding me of everything I may have done wrong. Yet the cool stare from the screen douses the fears.

“It looks perfect” I hear.

With only one thing left to do, I take a bite. It tastes like home.

Formula SAE Electric @ MIT

Formula SAE is where I actually learned how to make things that work. Classes are great for calculations, but there's no substitute for projects that require your engineering to be on point - otherwise, you'll crash.


A wooden sculpture about moving through time.

Teaching and Camp

Most of my family are educators, my Mom being the foremost. She’s been teaching 6th grade since I was born. I think it’s genetic. In undergrad, I TA’d “Intro to Making” where people from across the school would come and learn how to make things with futuristic equipment. The people that came started from all different levels of handiness, and they could make anything for their final projects. As a TA, I was in charge of ensuring that four teams completed their final project. This spanned the gamut of training them on machines, teaching them CAD (and, more importantly, pointing them towards good tutorials), ensuring no one got hurt, recommending vendors, and troubleshooting when everything was falling apart the day before demo day.

Throughout undergrad, I also worked a lot with kids (mainly because I learned too much from them). I worked at a Salvation Army summer camp for two summers, responsible for kids' well-being and growth. We ran programming, camped out, went into nature, and overall had a blast. I also got the opportunity to volunteer with another organization called Camp Kesem, where we ran week-long camps for kids of cancer patients. Looking back, these were easily the two most rewarding experiences of my life. Kids have a tendency to teach you more about life, and their laughs are infectious.


I hope by now you’ve gotten a basic understanding of what I’ve done and what I like doing.

At the end of the day, I'm just a guy who likes working with fantastic people on the tough stuff and making a difference in our world.

Thanks for reading,

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